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New Client Fact Finder

What's Your Risk Number?

We use this award-winning technology to help define your acceptable levels of risk and reward.


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This material was created to provide information on the subjects covered, but should not be regarded as a complete analysis of these subjects. The information provided cannot take into account all the various factors that may affect your particular situation. The services of an appropriate professional should be sought regarding before acting upon any information or recommendation contained herein to discuss the suitability of the information/recommendation for your specific situation.

Information provided is from sources believed to be reliable however, we cannot guarantee or represent that it is accurate or complete. Because situations vary, any information provided on this site is not intended to indicate suitability for any particular investor. Hyperlinks are provided as a courtesy and should not be deemed as an endorsement. When you link to a third party website you are leaving our site and assume total responsibility for your use or activity on the third party sites.

Securities offered through Osaic Wealth, member FINRA/SIPC. Investment advisory services offered through Gallagher Fiduciary Advisors, LLC (GFA), a SEC Registered Investment Advisor. Osaic Wealth is separately owned and other entities and/or marketing names, products or services referenced here are independent of Osaic. GFA/Osaic

Gallagher Fiduciary Advisors, LLC ("GFA") is an SEC Registered Investment Advisor that provides retirement, investment advisory, discretionary/named and independent fiduciary services. GFA is a limited liability company with Gallagher Benefit Services, Inc. as its single member. GFA may pay referral fees or other remuneration to employees of AJG or its affiliates or to independent contractors; such payments do not change our fee. This document contains confidential and proprietary information that belongs to GFA and is protected by copyright, trade secret and other State and Federal laws. Any copying, redistribution or retransmission of any of the contents without the written consent of GFA is expressly prohibited. Neither Arthur J. Gallagher & Co., GFA, their affiliates nor representatives provide accounting, legal or tax advice.

As a Registered Investment Advisor, Gallagher Fiduciary Advisors, LLC is required to file Form ADV Part I and Part 2A with the SEC. Part 2A of Form ADV contains information about our business operations for the use of clients. A copy of the Form ADV Part 2A can be requested by contacting the Gallagher Fiduciary Advisors, LLC Compliance Department.

We take protecting your data and privacy very seriously. As of January 1, 2020 the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) suggests the following link as an extra measure to safeguard your data: Do not sell my personal information.

Link privacy policy to Gallagher:  Check the background of your financial professional  Osaic Form CRS 

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